Christmas Ornament Memories

Christmas ornament - Cat in the Hat standing on a ball with a bunny cross-stitching in the background

Today, I worked too much and wasted the evening. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Doesn’t make for a very exciting blog post, but not every day is exciting.

an open cracker sleeve, empty chip bag, Diet Coke can, and an Apple TV remote on a couch cushion

The photo above shows you how my night ended, but it got off to a pretty great start. In our Monday Morning Meet-up at work, we got on the topic of Christmas ornaments as gifts. I talked about opening my ornaments for the first time in several years and reminiscing the years when Grams would give my siblings and I an ornament every year. She did her shopping during the after Christmas sales, so if the box said it was from the year 2000, you could be pretty sure it was the ornament you receive in 2001.

These ornaments were also tied to something you were into at the time. Some connections were clear, like a Harry Potter set from a year I was deep into HP fandom. Some were less clear, like the sparkly body of a dead rainbow trout… cause I was into my saltwater aquarium that year? 😂

Regardless, all fun memories.

Daily Gratitude

Today, I'm grateful for:

happy memories from holidays in the past.

My favorite part of today was:

laughing with work friends about Christmas ornaments Grams gave me.