
Hold up!

This post discusses the topics listed below. If you're worried what I have to say will upset you, please turn back now.

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Some of you are going to read this rant and immediately turn off, assuming it’s a leftist post condemning anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, but it’s not (I don’t think?). I’m just as tired of having to mask up as the next guy. I think we’re at a point where we can afford to start easing those mandates. But none of those opinions change the fact that you’re not better than everyone else. Yes, a**holes who were sitting in the row in front of me on my flight today, the rules apply to you too.

A married couple and their friend spent the entire flight laughing and discussing how important it was to put their children first and raise them to be respectful, competent adults. That great; I love that. The problem is, they spent the second half of the flight doing this with their masks off.

So to those parents, let’s unpack what we’re actually teaching your children here.

You’re teaching them the rules don’t apply to them. “Rule of law,” right? Oh, wait? What’s that you say? Only when you feel like it benefits you? Got it.

You’re teaching them that they can refuse to comply with authorities when they’re even mildly inconvenienced. Aren’t you conservatives the champions of “just comply?” So, so much to unpack here, Karen, but let’s save that for another post, shall we? (Oops, maybe there is a bit of leftism in this post 🤷🏻‍♂️).

You’re teaching them they can break contracts they’ve signed. Yes, when you purchased your ticket, you agreed to wear your mask for the duration of the flight.

Maybe you think you’re teaching your children to be free thinkers and to stand up for their rights. But then why’d you put your masks back on before de-boarding the plane? Because no, this wasn’t that.

You’re not a patriot for waiting halfway through the flight to “stand up for your rights.”

You’re not a free-thinker defending choice when you break the rules in front of two flight attendance with no recourse, who’ve undoubtedly been worn down by years of a-holes like you. It’s just not worth it for them anymore.

You’re not brave for “standing your ground” and then immediately complying the second you could be held accountable for your actions.

You’re just petulant children seeing how far you can push the rules.

Can’t wait to meet your amazing kids one day. I’m sure they’re real charmers.