Goals for 2022

child's hand reaching to the sky

Not a big New Year’s Resolution guy, but I do like setting goals for myself. Here’s the top handful for 2022.


Quite a bit changed for me last year. I’d like to spend this year exploring. I want to explore more of the PNW and what it has to offer. And I want to explore more about myself. I want to rediscovered interests that I’ve let take a bake seat, learn more about my current interests, and explore some new hobbies/activities.

Write More

I want to spend more time writing. I’ve found that writing helps me process the good and the bad, I just haven’t ever made it a consistent priority. This year, I’d like to do more of it.

Buy a Property

This is a tough one. I was hoping to have this one check off the list last summer, but like I said before, a lot has changed. The market up here is crazy (duh), but I’m still hoping to purchase a property this year. Ideally, this would be something that doubles as an investment property, but that’s not 100% necessary.

Continue Exercising

Last year I started walking 3 miles every day. I was doing really well with it for a long time. I want to stay consistent with that and add some more intense exercise to the mix as well.

Get Flexy

I want to spend more time stretching. I want to be able to touch the floor, flat-handed, with my knees straight.

Be Spider-Man

I want to dress up as Spider-Man this Halloween, and I want to feel comfortable in the suit. For me, that means a flat tummy… and some meat on my arms and legs wouldn’t hurt either.